Revital Green
The size is 5μm (max.) and mainly used for culturing larval fishes. Dissolve in water, and put 10-30g/ton into water once a week mixed with Fish Green. Thanks to the natural mineral ingredients, it promotes the growth and enrich the immunity efficiently. You may be surprised at seeing the water color becomes muddy. But when you put proper quantity into water, the water color becomes milky white.
※In case of mixing with Larval feed
After fish size gets to 8mm, mix Revital Green and Fish Green with feeds in a ratio of 1g of Revital Green to 4g of Fish Green.
Fish Green
The size is around 70μm. This fossil should be mixed with feeds for larval or adult fishes. As a standard, 0.5-1.5% of larval feeds or 0.8-3.0% of adult feeds should be mixed. This fossil is porous and ionized so it can be easily mixed without any adhesives.
Super Green
The size is φ0.5-1.0mm. It can absorb and deodorize H2S and NH3 accordingly It can improve the water condition and fix around pH 8. Put 100-500g of Super Green into 1 ton of water as a standard. It can also absorb the dirt in water and sink with it so you can save time cleaning the bottom of tanks. It also improves soil and clean up sludge. You can use it as a filter by stuffing 5kgs of Super Green into a net (Recommend to make 4 nets) and hang them in water. Shake it once or twice a day, and it will improve water condition and supply the nutritive substance to fishes.